Ritual Padi Hadi Awang Ada Unsur Syirik
Lidah rasmi Pas, Harakah semalam telah melaporkan berkenaan program ‘Turun Bendang dan Doa Awal Musim Padi’ yang di hadiri oleh Presiden parti itu, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. Program yang diadakan di itu dikatakan bertujuan untuk memohon kepada Allah agar benih padi subur dan memberikan hasil yang banyak pada musim depan.
Malah Hadi Awang turut mengenakan pakaian baju lengan panjang, seluar, kain sarung, topi dan kasut but panjang sebagai gimik sambil menabur biji benih padi di petak sawah. Secara asasnya tiada apa yang salah dengan program tersebut, namun apabila diteliti ternyata program yang diadakan itu mempunyai unsur-unsur syirik.
Penasihat Eksekutif Jawatankuasa Himpunan Ulama Muda (Ilmu) Dr. Fathul Bari Mat Jahya ketika dihubungi mengatakan ‘ritual’ tersebut bukan merupakan amalan sunah. Malah Nabi Muhammad saw juga tidak pernah melakukan perkara sepertinya.
“Apa yang dibuat oleh Tuan Guru, Hadi Awang itu dikira perkara yang umum, selama mana tidak ada unsur syirik atau sebagainya.
“Berkaitan doa awal tanam pagi, di dalam as-sunah kalau kita teliti atau dikaji ia tidak boleh dikhususkan. Bimbang ia akan jadi satu amalan tetap, sehingga kalau tak buat ritual tersebut, (dan kebetulan) padi tak bagus atau tak jadi. Ia akan dikategorikan sebagai bidaah.
“Amalan macam ni, (berkemungkinan) akan disusuli dengan perasaan kalau benda ni tak buat, tidak akan berkat.. sekiranya ia tidak dibuat rumah tidak akan didirikan dengan baik, padi tidak akan tumbuh yang macam ni ada unsur syirik.
“Kerana ada ritual tertentu sehingga masyarakat menjadi percaya dan kaitkan dengan ibadah. Patut dibuat secara umum dan bukannya ada ritual tetap” katanya.
Beliau turut mempertikai sikap pembangkang yang ‘double standard’ sambil merujuk tindakan mereka yang menghentam hebat program ‘ancak’ yang dikaitkan dengan Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir suatu ketika dahulu.
“Contohnya masa isu Ancak, pembangkang hentam kaw kaw.. yang ni boleh tapi masa Dr Zambry tak boleh” tegas beliau lagi.
Yang hairannya, tiada seorang pun pemimpin Pas yang dianggap sebagai ulama tampil untuk mempertikaikan tindakan Hadi Awang ini. Sedangkan ketika isu ‘ancak’ hampir kesemua dari mereka tampil menghentam dan mengkritik kononnya melakukan amalan yang bukan merupakan Sunah Nabi Muhammad saw.
Kesimpulannya inilah wajah sebenar pembangkang yang penuh dengan sikap hipokrit dan double standard yang perlu didedahkan kepada rakyat.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Kubur Azizan Terbiar Sepi
Kubur Azizan Terbiar Sepi
Umum mengetahui pilihanraya kecil Dun Sungai Limau diadakan ekoran kematian Allahyarham Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak ekoran derita penyakit kencing manis yang ditanggungnya sejak sekian lama. Malah sepanjang tempoh kempen yang diadakan juga, menyaksikan bagaimana Pas cuba mengeksploitasikan pengaruh Ustaz Azizan bagi memastikan kerusi Sungai Limau kekal di tangan parti itu.
Di sekitar kawasan kempen juga, gambar Ustaz Pas dilihat lebih banyak digantung berbanding calon parti itu sekali gus membuktikan Ustaz Azizan begitu berpengaruh. Tambahan pula, rata-rata pengundi juga dikatakan mempunyai hubungan keluarga dengan Ustaz Azizan, sehinggakan jentera parti itu terpaksa menipu pengundi dengan membuat gambar superimpose antara calon Pas dengan mantan Menteri Besar itu.
Namun disebabkan jarak Sungai Limau tidak begitu jauh dari dengan kawasan jenazah Ustaz Azizan dikebumikan, beberapa petugas Umno telah mengambil kesempatan untuk menziarahi kubur pemimpin Pas itu. Bukan kerana ingin menyokong parti itu, tetapi kerana merasa hormat dengan pendekatan Ustaz Azizan yang begitu mesra dan tidak berdendam dengan orang dan penyokong lawan.
Apa yang memeranjatkan, ketika menjejaki di kawasan pusara tersebut keadaan yang dilihat amat menyedihkan. Dengan keadaan sekitar pusara yang tidak terurus, kawasan perkuburan juga amat menyedihkan. Tambah memeranjatkan, tiada sebarang pagar yang dipasang bagi mengelakkan haiwan ternakan penduduk seperti lembu dan kerbau dari memasuki kawasan tersebut.
Benar, Islam mengharamkan sebarang hiasan atau binaan didirikan di atas pusara, namun menjaga dan mengurus kawasan perkuburan seperti kebersihan, pagar di sekeliling kawasan perkuburan bagi mengelakkan haiwan buas masuk dan sebagainya adalah merupakan tuntutan syarak.
Tambah menyedihkan, apabila salah seorang pelajar di Muassasah Darul Ulum mengatakan sejak dikebumikan kawasan tersebut kembali sepi. Selain daripada ahli keluarga terdekat dan penduduk sekitar, tiada orang luar baik di kalangan pengikut Pas sendiri yang datang untuk menziarah pusara Ustaz Azizan.
Sedangkan semasa hayatnya, beliau merupakan seorang pemimpin hebat dan banyak menaburkan bakti dan jasa kepada parti dan perjuangan Islam. Mungkin inilah resam kehidupan, semasa hidup dan berjawatan mereka disanjung, dipuji dengan pelbagai gelaran dan kata-kata manis, namun apabila sudah meninggal dunia, terbiar dan terus dilupakan.
Kesimpulannya, penggunaan gambar-gambar Ustaz Azizan hanyalah untuk meraih undi dan simpati kononnya mereka begitu sayang kepada Allahyarham. Namun secara realiti, Pas Kedah hanya menganggap bekas Menteri Besar sebagai kain buruk yang tidak berguna lagi.
Apa pun marilah kita sama-sama mendoakan semoga Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan diampunkan segala dosa, di tempatkan bersama orang-orang yang dikasihi dan mendapat keredaan Allah swt. Amin – Al-Fatihah.
Umum mengetahui pilihanraya kecil Dun Sungai Limau diadakan ekoran kematian Allahyarham Tan Sri Azizan Abdul Razak ekoran derita penyakit kencing manis yang ditanggungnya sejak sekian lama. Malah sepanjang tempoh kempen yang diadakan juga, menyaksikan bagaimana Pas cuba mengeksploitasikan pengaruh Ustaz Azizan bagi memastikan kerusi Sungai Limau kekal di tangan parti itu.
Di sekitar kawasan kempen juga, gambar Ustaz Pas dilihat lebih banyak digantung berbanding calon parti itu sekali gus membuktikan Ustaz Azizan begitu berpengaruh. Tambahan pula, rata-rata pengundi juga dikatakan mempunyai hubungan keluarga dengan Ustaz Azizan, sehinggakan jentera parti itu terpaksa menipu pengundi dengan membuat gambar superimpose antara calon Pas dengan mantan Menteri Besar itu.
Namun disebabkan jarak Sungai Limau tidak begitu jauh dari dengan kawasan jenazah Ustaz Azizan dikebumikan, beberapa petugas Umno telah mengambil kesempatan untuk menziarahi kubur pemimpin Pas itu. Bukan kerana ingin menyokong parti itu, tetapi kerana merasa hormat dengan pendekatan Ustaz Azizan yang begitu mesra dan tidak berdendam dengan orang dan penyokong lawan.
Apa yang memeranjatkan, ketika menjejaki di kawasan pusara tersebut keadaan yang dilihat amat menyedihkan. Dengan keadaan sekitar pusara yang tidak terurus, kawasan perkuburan juga amat menyedihkan. Tambah memeranjatkan, tiada sebarang pagar yang dipasang bagi mengelakkan haiwan ternakan penduduk seperti lembu dan kerbau dari memasuki kawasan tersebut.
Benar, Islam mengharamkan sebarang hiasan atau binaan didirikan di atas pusara, namun menjaga dan mengurus kawasan perkuburan seperti kebersihan, pagar di sekeliling kawasan perkuburan bagi mengelakkan haiwan buas masuk dan sebagainya adalah merupakan tuntutan syarak.
Tambah menyedihkan, apabila salah seorang pelajar di Muassasah Darul Ulum mengatakan sejak dikebumikan kawasan tersebut kembali sepi. Selain daripada ahli keluarga terdekat dan penduduk sekitar, tiada orang luar baik di kalangan pengikut Pas sendiri yang datang untuk menziarah pusara Ustaz Azizan.
Sedangkan semasa hayatnya, beliau merupakan seorang pemimpin hebat dan banyak menaburkan bakti dan jasa kepada parti dan perjuangan Islam. Mungkin inilah resam kehidupan, semasa hidup dan berjawatan mereka disanjung, dipuji dengan pelbagai gelaran dan kata-kata manis, namun apabila sudah meninggal dunia, terbiar dan terus dilupakan.
Kesimpulannya, penggunaan gambar-gambar Ustaz Azizan hanyalah untuk meraih undi dan simpati kononnya mereka begitu sayang kepada Allahyarham. Namun secara realiti, Pas Kedah hanya menganggap bekas Menteri Besar sebagai kain buruk yang tidak berguna lagi.
Apa pun marilah kita sama-sama mendoakan semoga Allahyarham Ustaz Azizan diampunkan segala dosa, di tempatkan bersama orang-orang yang dikasihi dan mendapat keredaan Allah swt. Amin – Al-Fatihah.
PRK Sungai Limau: The Value of Chinese Votes,
PRK Sungai Limau: The Value of Chinese Votes,
There are 1,827 Chinese voters in DUN Sg Limau. From that amount, onlu 180 or 10 % voted for BN in the last general election. What is interesting is that the membership for MCA in that area is 965 people.
This particular fact shows that even though it is a long way from any DAP propaganda, the Chinese are still moving as one. The orders that they received in the last general election is to reject BN and most of them understood and comply with the order. Similar to what they would done in ancient China where the Emperor’s decree is considered holy and must be followed.
Then, the Chinese people of Sg Limau, together with the every one of them in Malaysia is to ensure DAP would win the election by giving it up to PAS in the last election.
Their hope is that if PR is able to govern the country, the DAP will practice its Chinese superiority concept, similar to the Singaporean. This is why they are well informed that even though the Prime Minister is a Malay from PAS or PKR, they will always be DAP’s minions.
However, after 5 years Kedah state is controlled by PAS, it is not that easy to “ride” on the late Tan Sri Azizan Razak. Tan Sri Azizan is seen more different than those who are in the PAS central committee. He can read the hidden agenda that the DAP pursue and never gave any quarters for the DAP to take advantage of him. The late Tan Sri Azizan was firm in his action to oppose all of the “gifts” by Chinese business thus taking DAP into hot waters. DAP’s ambition to take control of Kedah through PAS seems impossible.
When PAS failed to retain it seats in Kedah, the Menteri Besar was changed to Datuk Paduka Mukhriz Mahathir from Barisan Nasional that is known for his firm and strong principal. Even if Mukhriz is firmer and more practical, it is true that he needs to focus more on the people who helped the Barisan Nasional and not those who oppose the Barisan Nasional.
It doesn’t matter if the Chinese in Kedah like it or not, it is the fact that the state government will not be fooled by trying to woo those who have betrayed them. The fact remains, under the new administration, they will not tolerate any special treatment regardless of any affiliation.
This means if the Chinese in Sungai Limau wants more attention from the state government, they need to support the Barisan Nasional.. If not, they can always ask help from the DAP through the PAS representative anywhere near them.
Mukhriz action is not vicious or uunjust, as the government does not evict people from their lands like the DAP did to the Malays in Pulau Pinang. The state government never did stop any Chinese ceremonies even though the DAP tries to stop the Maulidur Rasul rally in Pulau Pinang.
In short, the Kedah government did not interrupt the Chinese in their daily activities. This is in contrast with the DAP or PAS party in Malaysia.
The Chinese must always remember that BN was the one who open the doors for them to prosper in this country. Without the leadership of BN, they can’t even achieve nothing in this country.
Today, the Chinese becomes the riches, but that can only be done as the Malays have a high spending power to ensure that the Chinese traders can accumulate their wealth. What’s wrong with the Chinese being together with the Malays and support the government that made it possible for all of this to happen?
The Chinese in Sungai Limau do not have to be fooled by Chinese who do not live in the area. They lived amongst the Malays and they should know the hearts and minds of the Malay who never did wanted to monopoly the wealth or bully anyone. The natural features for a Malay is peace loving. Malays only wants to have peace. Why then the Chinese have to fight the Malay leadership in Malaysia.
Do they really think that if they continue to oppose the BN up till the day that the PR will take over, everything will ever be better?
Now we look on how the DAP are sidelining the Kedah State DAP Chairman that was choose by the democratically. Now, look at how DAP oppress and lie to their own members.Is there anybody who thinks that PR is capable to govern the nation, without the hidden hand of a notorious political dictator.
The fact of the matter is, that the Chinese in Sungai Limau do not have to reinterpret it as the forecasted result of PRU-13.
It is the time that the Chinese have to think for themselves and not to follow the Chinese Emperor of Malaysia.
There are 1,827 Chinese voters in DUN Sg Limau. From that amount, onlu 180 or 10 % voted for BN in the last general election. What is interesting is that the membership for MCA in that area is 965 people.
This particular fact shows that even though it is a long way from any DAP propaganda, the Chinese are still moving as one. The orders that they received in the last general election is to reject BN and most of them understood and comply with the order. Similar to what they would done in ancient China where the Emperor’s decree is considered holy and must be followed.
Then, the Chinese people of Sg Limau, together with the every one of them in Malaysia is to ensure DAP would win the election by giving it up to PAS in the last election.
Their hope is that if PR is able to govern the country, the DAP will practice its Chinese superiority concept, similar to the Singaporean. This is why they are well informed that even though the Prime Minister is a Malay from PAS or PKR, they will always be DAP’s minions.
However, after 5 years Kedah state is controlled by PAS, it is not that easy to “ride” on the late Tan Sri Azizan Razak. Tan Sri Azizan is seen more different than those who are in the PAS central committee. He can read the hidden agenda that the DAP pursue and never gave any quarters for the DAP to take advantage of him. The late Tan Sri Azizan was firm in his action to oppose all of the “gifts” by Chinese business thus taking DAP into hot waters. DAP’s ambition to take control of Kedah through PAS seems impossible.
When PAS failed to retain it seats in Kedah, the Menteri Besar was changed to Datuk Paduka Mukhriz Mahathir from Barisan Nasional that is known for his firm and strong principal. Even if Mukhriz is firmer and more practical, it is true that he needs to focus more on the people who helped the Barisan Nasional and not those who oppose the Barisan Nasional.
It doesn’t matter if the Chinese in Kedah like it or not, it is the fact that the state government will not be fooled by trying to woo those who have betrayed them. The fact remains, under the new administration, they will not tolerate any special treatment regardless of any affiliation.
This means if the Chinese in Sungai Limau wants more attention from the state government, they need to support the Barisan Nasional.. If not, they can always ask help from the DAP through the PAS representative anywhere near them.
Mukhriz action is not vicious or uunjust, as the government does not evict people from their lands like the DAP did to the Malays in Pulau Pinang. The state government never did stop any Chinese ceremonies even though the DAP tries to stop the Maulidur Rasul rally in Pulau Pinang.
In short, the Kedah government did not interrupt the Chinese in their daily activities. This is in contrast with the DAP or PAS party in Malaysia.
The Chinese must always remember that BN was the one who open the doors for them to prosper in this country. Without the leadership of BN, they can’t even achieve nothing in this country.
Today, the Chinese becomes the riches, but that can only be done as the Malays have a high spending power to ensure that the Chinese traders can accumulate their wealth. What’s wrong with the Chinese being together with the Malays and support the government that made it possible for all of this to happen?
The Chinese in Sungai Limau do not have to be fooled by Chinese who do not live in the area. They lived amongst the Malays and they should know the hearts and minds of the Malay who never did wanted to monopoly the wealth or bully anyone. The natural features for a Malay is peace loving. Malays only wants to have peace. Why then the Chinese have to fight the Malay leadership in Malaysia.
Do they really think that if they continue to oppose the BN up till the day that the PR will take over, everything will ever be better?
Now we look on how the DAP are sidelining the Kedah State DAP Chairman that was choose by the democratically. Now, look at how DAP oppress and lie to their own members.Is there anybody who thinks that PR is capable to govern the nation, without the hidden hand of a notorious political dictator.
The fact of the matter is, that the Chinese in Sungai Limau do not have to reinterpret it as the forecasted result of PRU-13.
It is the time that the Chinese have to think for themselves and not to follow the Chinese Emperor of Malaysia.
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